European Tour
Sugimoto Bunraku “Kannon Pilgrimage” from The Sonezaki Love Suicides
Presented in commemoration of the 400th Anniversary of Japan-Spain Relations
Friday, September 27, 20:00
Saturday, September 28, 20:00
Teatro Español, Madrid
Organized by The Japan Foundation, Odawara Art Foundation, Teatro Español
Co-organized by Embassy of Japan in Spain
Produced by Odawara Art Foundation
In cooperation with The Japan Arts Council (The National Theatre of Japan / The National Bunraku Theatre), Bunraku Association
Supported by Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City
Sponsored by Mitsubishi Corporation, Nippon Express Co., Boucheron Paris, CoSTUME NATIONAL, Shiseido Company
Presented in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Istituto Giapponese di Cultura in Rome
Friday, October 4, 21:00
aturday, October 5, 19:00
Teatro di Argentina, Rome
Organized by The Japan Foundation, Odawara Art Foundation, Teatro di Argentina
Co-organized by Embassy of Japan in Italy
Produced by Odawara Art Foundation
In cooperation with The Japan Arts Council (The National Theatre of Japan / The National Bunraku Theatre), Bunraku Association
Supported by Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City
With the assistance of Japanese Chamber of Commerce in Italy
Sponsored by: Yoko Nagae Ceschina, Chizu Suzuki, H.I.S., Fuji Television Network, Inc., Alcantara S.p.A, Mitsukoshi Italia S.p.A., Bridgestone Technical Center Europe S.p.A., Shiseido Company, Limited, Alphanet s.r.l., m&m medeiaservices s.r.l., Miki Travel Agency Italia s.r.l., Viajes Hanshin S.a., YKK Mediterraneo S.p.A, Boucheron Paris, CoSTUME NATIONAL
Thursday, October 10, 20:30
Friday, October 11, 20:30
Saturday, October 12, 15:00 & 20:30
Sunday, October 13, 15:00
Tuesday, October 15, 20:30
Wednesday, October 16, 20:30
Thursday, October 17, 20:30
Friday, October 18, 20:30
Saturday, October 19, 15:00 & 20:30
Théâtre de la Ville, Paris
Organized by The Japan Foundation, Odawara Art Foundation
Produced by Odawara Art Foundation
In cooperation with The Japan Arts Council (The National Theatre of Japan / The National Bunraku Theatre), Bunraku Association
Supported by Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City
Sponsored by: Boucheron Paris, Fondation d’Entreprise Hermès, Fondation Franco-Japonaise Sasakawa, Fondation pour l’étude de la langue et de la civilisation japonaises sous l’égide de la Fondation de France, CoSTUME NATIONAL, Shiseido Company, Limited
Co-produced by Théâtre de la Ville, Festival d’automne
Paris Supervisor: Emmanuelle de Montgazon Venue: Théâtre de la Ville
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Original drama written by: Chikamatsu Monzaemon
Producer / Artistic Director: Hiroshi Sugimoto
Composer / Director: Seiji Tsurusawa
Choreography: Waka Yamamura
Art Works in video projection: Tabaimo, Hiroshi Sugimoto
Cast: Seiji Tsurusawa, Tsukomadayu Takemoto, Kanjuro Kiritake and others
Click to enlarge